5 Thoughts about Bible Reading for 2021

With just over six weeks left in this year, it’s time to start thinking about Bible reading for 2021. Here are some thoughts I pray will be encouraging to you, followed by some other blog posts to help you as you plan for the next year.  

  1. We’re incredibly privileged to have all of God’s Word in our language and in our hands. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters don’t have that blessing; millions of people are waiting for the Scriptures in their language. We take this privilege for granted when we don’t read the Word. 
  2. Having a Bible reading plan matters. If we don’t have a plan for reading, we too often fumble our way through the scriptures – if we read them regularly at all. A plan at least holds us accountable to something. 
  3. Consistency is more important than quantity. That is, I would rather you read a few verses of the Bible each day than read several chapters only one day per week. Consistency puts us in a place to hear from God each day. And, consistent readers often increase their reading each day.
  4. You can read the whole Bible in a year by reading about 3.5 chapters per day. Some chapters are longer than others, of course, but that’s not a lot of daily reading. If you still think that’s too much for you, plan to read the whole Bible in two years by reading a little less than two chapters each day.
  5. Accountability will help you. Hold yourself accountable to someone by sending a daily email about what you read. A few sentences each day will help you summarize your reading, and you’ll have a Bible reading journal at the end of the year. 

Check out these other blog posts (including the one that describes my personal reading plan that I’ve used for years) to guide your reading:

When Christian Leaders Don’t Read the Word Regularly and Consistently

A Bible Reading Strategy for the New Year (my plan)

An Annual Reading Plan Based on What My Pastoral Heroes Do

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