READING: Genesis 39:1-41:36, Matthew 13:1-30
Take a look at these descriptions of Joseph’s life in today’s Old Testament reading:
- “The Lord was with Joseph” (Gen 39:2)
- “the Lord made everything he did successful” (Gen 39:3)
- “the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house because of Joseph” (Gen 39:5)
- “But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him” (Gen 39:21)
- “the Lord was with him, and the Lord made everything that he did successful” (Gen 39:23)
If you read just these words, you would assume Joseph’s life was nothing but blessing and success. Read the rest of the chapter, however, and you learn he faced false accusations from a seductress and landed himself in Potiphar’s prison. How, then, do we understand that God was with Joseph through all of this? We learn via future reading in Genesis that God was indeed with him, and He would eventually place Joseph in a position where he could influence all of Egypt. God was with him; it’s just that God had a different plan than Joseph might have wanted or chosen on his own. He was successful on God’s terms, not the world’s.
Most of us need this reminder today. When life doesn’t work out like we thought it would . . . when we face false accusations but real enemies . . . when our choice to do right seems to lead only to trouble . . . still we must trust God. He is with us wherever we are.
PRAYER: “God, remind me over and over today that You are with me. Let me never doubt that promise.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: If you’re in a faith struggle to trust God, seek Him anyway.
TOMORROW’S READING: Genesis 41:37-43:34, Matthew 13:31-58