READING: Exodus 1-3, Matthew 15:29-16:20
It’s just one simple statement in today’s Old Testament reading, but it’s a statement that has led to much reflection for me today. Moses’ mother had done her best to hide him in a day when Pharoah had ordered the death of all male babies. She was able to hide him for three months, but then she put him in a basket “ark” and placed him among the reeds in the Nile River. There, Pharoah’s daughter found him in the ark: “She saw the basket among the reeds, sent her slave girl, took it, opened it, and saw him, the child—and there he was, a little boy, crying” (Exo 1:5-6).
It’s the latter phrase that catches my attention today. He [Moses] was just a little boy, crying, likely hungry and surely dependent on others for his safety. He was just a little one whose voice was heard through his weeping rather than through his speaking. Little did anyone know God’s particular plan to make this little one the deliverer of His people. After all, he was just a little boy, crying, one of the Hebrew boys. . . .
Today, I wonder who among the little ones in our homes and our churches will be the next significant instruments of God used in ways we could not even imagine. We might see them as just little ones crying today, but God sees them as vessels for the Great Commission. As you see little ones this week, pray for their salvation and their desire to follow God fully—even if He calls them to a task they think they can’t do.
PRAYER: “God, thank You for the gospel-potential among the little ones in our homes and our churches.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Do take the time to pray for little ones today.
TOMORROW’S READING: Exodus 4-6, Matthew 16:21-17:21