READING: Exodus 34-36, Matthew 24:32-25:13
The lure of false gods is incredibly strong . . . and the human heart is incredibly fickle at times. That combination is hardly a good one for a strong spiritual walk. For example, when God called His people to their covenant requirements, He gave them clear commands about the inhabitants and false gods of the land:
“Be careful not to make a treaty with the inhabitants of the land that you are going to enter; otherwise, they will become a snare among you. Instead, you must tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, and chop down their Asherah poles. . . . . Do not make a treaty with the inhabitants of the land, or else when they prostitute themselves with their gods and sacrifice to their gods, they will invite you, and you will eat their sacrifices. Then you will take some of their daughters as brides for your sons. Their daughters will prostitute themselves with their gods and cause your sons to prostitute themselves with their gods. . . . Do not make cast images of gods for yourselves” (Exo 34:12-17).
God was the God of the Hebrew people who had made Himself known to them. They knew their heritage and history of His care. They had experienced His power. Still, they apparently would be so tempted to turn to false gods that the true God necessarily gave them this warning. He reminded them He is a jealous God who would not tolerate their de-throning Him in their lives.
It is worth our considering today what “gods” we might sometimes place over God. Sometimes we fall into the trap of peer pressure, surrender to the influence of others, and neglect our commitment to God. At other times, we cling to our pet sins even though we know they are displeasing to God. In some cases, we chase all the world has to offer—temporary though it is—and give little attention to following God. We instead prostitute ourselves with false gods.
PRAYER: “God, show me my false gods. Convict me, and change me.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Determine where you’re most likely to compromise with the world, and reject that lure today.
TOMORROW’S READING: Exodus 37-38, Matthew 25:14-46