READING: Leviticus 26-27, Mark 4:1-29
As I have traveled the world, I’ve asked people to describe the “god” they serve. Sometimes, the god is a god to be feared—one to be appeased so he does not cause family sickness or crop failure. In some cases, the god is a distant, non-relational god who will ultimately judge the world. In other cases, the god is a hand-crafted idol who can neither hear nor speak, yet sits on the shelf in many homes.
How different these descriptions are from the description of the true God found in today’s reading! Listen to just how personal God is:
“I will place my residence among you, and I will not reject you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, so that you would no longer be their slaves. I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to live in freedom.” (Lev 26:11-13)
This same God is the One who indwells us as believers today. He has taken up residence within us, and He walks beside us wherever we go. Similar to what He did for the Hebrews, He has freed us from sin and granted us life. Indeed, we should be so grateful that we would want to tell others about Him. The world needs to hear that message.
PRAYER: “God, thank You for being our God.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Seek God’s help in any area of your life that seems to be in bondage.
TOMORROW’S READING: Numbers 1-2, Mark 4:30-5:20