03/12/21 Their Rebellion, His Faithfulness

READING: Numbers 25-26, Mark 11:15-12:12

It is frightening how far we can fall into sin. We have previously seen that the people of God built a golden calf even while their leader was in the presence of God. They refused to accept God’s blessing of the Promised Land and instead cowered in fear over the giants in the land. Now, in today’s text, the people prostituted themselves with the women of Moab, joined them in their idolatrous worship, and sacrificed to their false gods. You can’t fall much more deeply into idolatry than the Hebrews did in this case—and it’s no wonder God brought dramatic judgment on them again. 

The ongoing story of rebellion surely makes us wonder why God even put up with His people. He did so—and still does—not because His people are deserving, but because He is faithful to His covenant promises for His people. An entire generation died in the wilderness because of their rebellion, but God kept His Word to Joshua, Caleb, and the next generation. He would indeed get them to the land He had promised them. 

PRAYER: “God, I praise You for being faithful to Your Word—and to me—even when I’m not always faithful to You.”

DAILY ACTION STEP:  When you face temptation today, reject rebellion. Trust God. 

TOMORROW’S READING: Weekend is for catch-up and review 

MONDAY’S READING: Numbers 27-29, Mark 12:13-44

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