Yesterday, I listed twelve things a church should know about its pastor. Here are my final twelve, and I invite you to add to this list in the comments section of this post.
- Your strategy for praying for them. If you have no strategy for praying for your entire congregation regularly, I encourage you to develop one – and then tell them what you’re doing. They will be encouraged.
- Your latest answered prayers. We rob God of glory when He answers prayer but we never tell anyone about it. Use your opportunities to praise God when He hears and responds to your requests.
- Your commitment to fasting. Jesus was clear that we not fast to be seen by men, but He also assumed that we would be fasting. Quietly, humbly let your church know when you are fasting on their behalf.
- Your plan to prioritize your family. If you take a vacation day on your anniversary or your children’s birthdays, let the church know. If you plan accordingly so you never miss a child’s ball game, tell your congregation. You will be modeling what others need to do.
- Your strategy for “affair-proofing” your home. This one is quite personal, but needed. If you are never alone with a member of the opposite gender other than a family member, make sure the church knows. Show them your commitment to a healthy marriage.
- Your strategy for avoiding pornography. I include this item simply because the disasters caused by pornography continue to grow – even among pastors. If you do not struggle here, I still trust you have safeguards in place to continue to win the battle.
- Your efforts to shepherd your community. When your congregation knows about your commitment to know, love, and influence your community, they will be pushed to think more outwardly than inwardly. They will also respect your time more, knowing you are seeking to reach their neighbors.
- Your commitment to global missions. I believe all pastors must have a heart for the nations. Your church can develop that heart, too, but only if you let them know about your passion.
- Your desires for further training. If you want to do more continuing education, attend more conferences, or earn another degree, tell somebody. You might be surprised by their openness.
- Your honest financial needs. As a young pastor, I struggled financially without letting anyone know, so the church assumed my salary was adequate. I would humbly speak up today while still seeking to live sacrificially and frugally.
- Your love for your staff. Your church needs to see leaders who serve together in love. Take the lead by publicly proclaiming how much you appreciate your team.
- Your love for them. The words “I really do love you” mean much to a congregation – and it’s astounding how much you can love a church from the pulpit.
What other items would you add to this list?