READING: 1 Chronicles 27-29, Acts 2:1-41
That’s a word, to be honest, I’ve heard more in churches the last 10 years of my ministry than in the first 30 years. We always talked about giving, but we didn’t always use the word, “generosity.” Particularly among young leaders and younger churches, the call to be generous with our entire lives is recurrent these days. The concept, though, is clear in the Scriptures as we give sacrificially and joyously to the Lord’s work.
The people of David’s day who prepared to build the Temple illustrated this generosity. David modeled that giving, and the people followed his lead. They “gave willingly” (1 Chron 29:6), “freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord” (1 Chron 29:9). At the same time, David understood that anything the people gave, they could give because God had graciously provided it for them. It all came from God’s hand first.
Perhaps if we remember this latter point—that all that we have comes from Him and belongs to Him—we would be more generous ourselves.
PRAYER: “God, I commit to giving more generously to Your work.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Evaluate your giving to your church, and determine whether you’re giving generously.
TOMORROW’S READING: Weekend is for catch-up and review
MONDAY’S READING: 2 Chronicles 1-5, Acts 2:42-3:10