07/12/21 Courage in Him

READING: Ezra 4-7, Acts 10:9-48

King Artaxerxes had opened the door for Ezra to return to Israel to teach God’s decrees. Through the king, God sovereignly paved the way for Ezra and all those who chose to go with him. God has a remarkable way of moving history according to His plan and for His glory—and He graciously gives us those stories through His Word. What catches my heart today, though, is Ezra’s response to the letter Artaxerxes sent him: “So I took courage because I was strengthened by the hand of the Lord my God, and I gathered Israelite leaders to return with me” (Ezra 7:28). 

Courage—we all need it at some point. No matter how old we get, how trained we are, or how much education we have, life can still be scary at times. But, fear dissipates when the Lord strengthens us by His hand. He makes His presence known to us. He captures us through His indwelling Spirit. He reminds us that His power is greater than anything that frightens us, His plan greater than anything that alarms us. He gives us Hisstrength—and no one or no thing is stronger than He is.  

PRAYER: “God, defeat my fears in me today.”   

DAILY ACTION STEP:  If you face fear today, lean on the One who gives us courage.   

TOMORROW’S READING: Ezra 8-10, Acts 11

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