READING: Nehemiah 5-7, Acts 13:13-52
Churches are typically places of great activity. At least prior to COVID, and now increasingly so again, church calendars were often full. Small groups. Worship services. Band, orchestra, choir, and praise team practice. Committee meetings. Women’s gatherings. Men’s events. Prayer meetings. Mission trips. Calendaring and planning meetings. I could go on and on, but I trust you agree with my assessment.
The question today’s Old Testament reading raises for me in this light is this: do we do all we do so clearly in God’s power and for His glory that even our opponents recognize the hand of God on our work? In just 52 days, the people under Nehemiah completed the re-building of the wall of Jerusalem despite opposition—and the opponents’ attempts to intimidate the people of God were for naught. In fact, they became frightened because “they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God” (Neh 6:16).
So, I pray today that God would so work in my church that even those opposed to our work could not deny His hand.
PRAYER: “God, glorify Yourself in powerful ways through me and Your people.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Pray throughout the day that God’s presence in Your church would be evident.
TOMORROW’S READING: Nehemiah 8-10, Acts 14