READING: Job 7-9, Acts 19:1-20
It’s not always easy to break entrenched patterns in our lives, but God gives us help to do so—sometimes in a dramatic way. That was the case with the people in Ephesus in today’s New Testament reading.
The sons of Sceva had tried to cast a demon out of a man, and they failed. They were likely “professional” exorcists who had no Christ-given authority to cast out the demon, as evidenced by the demon’s response: “I know Jesus, and I recognize Paul—but who are you?” (Acts 19:15). Nothing in the lives of the exorcists threatened the demon in the least. In fact, he beat up the exorcists—and the name of the Lord was magnified!
Believers around them, though, learned that using the name of Jesus in a magical way (what the exorcists were doing) is fruitless indeed. God’s power became even more evident to them, and some who had kept their magic books even after their conversion brought their books out and burned them. Apparently, they were still weak in their faith and still clinging to yesterday’s practices . . .
until God orchestrated events to bring them to repentance and freedom, that is. Thank God for His patient, enduring grace!
PRAYER: “Lord, show me if I’m still clinging to any sin of my past.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: If the Lord does show you something, confess it to Him. Then, confess it to someone else who can pray with you.
TOMORROW’S READING: Job 10-13, Acts 19:21-20:16