READING: Psalms 47-52, Romans 9:1-10:4
I confess that I read today’s Old Testament passage in Psalm 49, and I realize I don’t always consider how far I could lean in the wrong direction were it not for God’s grace. The topic of the psalm is the reality of death for all people. At the same time, though, the psalmist addresses those who trust in their riches in this world. Notice the recurring theme here:
- “They trust in their wealth and boast of their abundant riches. Yet these cannot redeem a person or pay his ransom to God” (Psa 49:6-7). No person can pay his way out of death and judgment.
- “For one can see that the wise die; the foolish and stupid also pass away. Then they leave their wealth to others” (Psa 49:10). Everyone dies, including the wealthy.
- “Their graves are their permanent homes, their dwellings from generation to generation, though they have named estates after themselves” (Psa 49:11). No matter how large our earthly homes are, the grave is our destination.
- “But despite his assets, mankind will not last” (Psa 49:12). Our wealth can’t buy us eternal life.
- “For when he dies, he will take nothing at all; his wealth will not follow him down” (Psa 49:17). It is right to conclude, “You just can’t take it with you.”
Here’s why I began this devotion as I did: because I feel “safer” when we have money in the bank, I tend to be obsessive about saving. Pam and I do try to give sacrificially to the Lord’s work and to His people, but I still find security in dollars. I needed this reminder today that wealth cannot buy us what matters.
PRAYER: “Father, move in my life so I find my security in You rather than my possessions today.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Prayerfully give an extra gift to the work of the Lord today.
TOMORROW’S READING: Weekend is for catch-up and review
MONDAY’S READING: Psalms 53-59, Romans 10:5-11:10