READING: Psalms 104-105, 1 Corinthians 7:17-8:13
It’s tough to read Psalms 104 and 105 today without being filled with wonder and gratitude. In the first psalm, God is the Creator who made all things for His glory; in the second, He is the Redeemer who called out His people and protected them. He rides the clouds as His chariot (Psa 104:3), but He also remembers His covenant with Abraham forever (Psa 105:8-9). He makes the grass grow for the livestock (Psa 104:14) while also making His people “very fruitful” (Psa 105:24). Our God is worthy of our praise because His works are countless and His people are numerous.
What should our response be to Him? Bless the Lord. Sing praise to Him while we live. Meditate on Him, His majesty, and His goodness. Give Him thanks. Call on Him. Proclaim His works to the nations; tell of His wondrous works. Seek Him with all our being. Rejoice in the Lord.
The bottom line? We are to sing hallelujah to His name!
PRAYER: “My soul, bless the Lord! Hallelujah!” (Psa 104:35)
DAILY ACTION STEP: Sing God’s praises all day long today.
TOMORROW’S READING: Psalms 106-108, 1 Corinthians 9