READING: Ezekiel 42-44, 1 John 1:1-2:27
Scholars debate the identity of “young men” to whom John refers in 1 John –”I am writing to you, young men,because you have conquered the evil one” (2:13) and “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, God’s word remains in you, and you have conquered the evil one” (2:14). Some understand the phrase literally, indicating that John was talking to younger people. Others view them as those who were younger in their faith. Either way, we learn these things about these folks: (a) they had overcome the evil one; (2) they were strong in their faith; (3) their foundation was the Word of God.
As I have the privilege of working with young men at Southeastern Seminary and at my local church, that’s my prayer for them. I want them to base their lives on the Word of God, ever turning to it first as they make decisions throughout their lives. I want them to be strong in their faith even if doing so puts their lives on the line. That strength will come by their learning the faithfulness of God through His Word, relying on the power of the Spirit in their lives, and walking with other believers in their spiritual journey. I also want them to overcome the enemy, not by living in fear of him but by living in the presence of Christ. I want them to live in victory.
I also want the same for me, and I trust you do for yourself as well—all because of God’s grace.
PRAYER: “God, grant me grace to overcome the enemy.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Evaluate your life in terms of the strength of your faith today. Confess and repent as needed.
TOMORROW’S READING: Ezekiel 45-48, 1 John 2:28-4:6