READING: Hosea 1-5, Revelation 2:8-3:22
It was a word to the church at Smyrna in the first century, but it’s also a word some believers around the world need to hear today – and, frankly, it may be a word that believers in North America will need to cling to in years to come. The believers faced ongoing opposition, but Jesus reminded them not to fear the persecution: “Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer” (Rev 2:10). They were facing human opposition, but it was the devil behind the evil work of arresting and imprisoning the believers. Some scholars believe the “10 days” in Rev 2:10 indicate the persecution would be brief, but death would nevertheless be the outcome for some.
Their call, then, was to be faithful to the end. Their reward would be the crown of life, a recognition of one who has run the race well and found victory. The second death—that is, spiritual death throughout eternity—would have no effect on them.
I’m certain most of us cannot fathom what these believers faced. We simply have no idea what persecution is like . . . at least not yet. What we do have in common with them is this: we serve the God who will ultimately grant us victory no matter what we face.
PRAYER: “Thank You, God, that victory rests in Your hands.”
DAILY ACTION STEP: Visit the Voice of the Martyrs website today, and pray for persecuted believers.
TOMORROW’S READING: Hosea 6-14, Revelation 4-5