01/07/22 Before We Ever Finish

READING: Genesis 21:8-23:20, Genesis 11:32, Genesis 24:1-67

Today’s reading is filled with the unusual and the miraculous. For example, God gave a son to Abraham and Sarah long beyond their child-bearing years. Later, He requested that Abraham sacrifice his son—but God used that situation to foreshadow His providing the Lamb of God who would take away our sin. He also supernaturally connected Isaac with his wife, Rebekah. Throughout all these stories, I’m reminded of one verse from yesterday’s reading: “The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised” (Gen 21:1). That’s just what God does—keep His word and do exactly what He promised. 

Look, in fact, at the way God pointed out Rebekah for Isaac. Abraham sent his servant to find a mate for his son, and he knew God would provide: “He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a wife there for my son” (Gen 24:7). Abraham’s servant rightly prayed for wisdom in seeking that mate, asking God to make that choice clear. It is, then, this verse that causes me to express gratitude to God today: “Before he had finished praying, he saw a young woman named Rebekah coming out with her water jug on her shoulder” (Gen 24:15). 

Note the opening phrase again: “Before he had finished praying . . . .” It is indeed amazing to me that God’s in the process of answering our prayers before we’ve even finished praying them.  

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What prayer are you praying that is most stretching your faith because God hasn’t answered yet? Can you trust that He’s already preparing the answer?       

PRAYER: “Father, fill me with wonder over Your willingness to hear our prayers.”  

TOMORROW’S READING: Genesis 25:1-4; 1 Chronicles 1:32-33; Genesis 25:5-6, 12-18; 1 Chronicles 1:28-31, 34; Genesis 25:19-26, 7-11 

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