READING: Genesis 42:1-45:15
Weeping. It’s a part of life. Tears of grief and tears of joy are both part of life.
Several times in today’s reading, we learn of Joseph weeping. For example, he turned away from his brothers and wept when he heard them confessing their sin of selling him into slavery years before. Later, Joseph cried so much after seeing his younger brother Benjamin (without Joseph’s yet revealing himself) that he retreated to his private room to weep.
When he finally admitted his identity to his brothers, he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him. Later, he wept with joy over Benjamin, and he wept over his brothers and kissed each of them in a moving demonstration of forgiveness.
This story is unique, of course, but the reality of tears is not. All of us have moments of sadness that bring tears. Sometimes, we have experiences of joy that bring tears, too. In either case, we must trust God and thank Him for taking care of us.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you weeping over something today?
TODAY’S PRAYER: “God, help me to lean on You, especially in time of anguish. Thank You for those times, as well the joyous times.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Genesis 45:16-47:27