01/23/22 Glimpses of Hope

READING: Job 15:1-18:22

On this Lord’s day, I think of believers around the world who have faced completely unexpected, seemingly undeserved, and seriously painful battles in life. They had been faithful to God. Their redeemed hearts were generally pure. They had harmed no man. Like Job prior to his agonies, they had been “living quietly” (Job 16:12).

Then, everything changed. The bottom dropped out. Loss was great. Anguish was deep. It felt as if God had turned against them, seemingly tearing their lives apart. Meanwhile, their “friends” assumed God was bringing judgment on them—or at least not caring much about them.

Job knew that kind of anguish. His eyes were exhausted with grief. His body was gaunt. His spirit was crushed. Still, there are hints of hope even amid his pain. 

Scholars debate what Job meant when he said, “my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high” (Job 16:19), and his faith was probably simple at best; nevertheless, it’s likely Job was trusting that the same God who was crushing him would eventually vindicate him.  His suffering made no sense—and Job verbalized his struggles—but God remained his hope. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you have hope in God even when it feels like God has turned against you?          

TODAY’S PRAYER: “God, help me to trust You even when I don’t understand all that’s happening.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: Job 19:1-21:34

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