Saturday Suggestions/Week in Review

Check out these important posts from others:

Five Strategies for Being a More Approachable Pastor on Sunday Morning by Sam Rainer
Sunday morning is often the only time you will see most of the church each week. Make the most of it.

Managing your Time as a Covocational Church Planter by Brad Brisco
Hear from Brad Brisco on how to manage your time well while balancing church planting as a bi-vocational leader.

Why Church Membership Is Important by Josh Weidmann
Consider these ideas from Josh Weidmann on the value of church membership.

Leading Your Church Through Change by Philip Crouse Jr.
Philip Crouse highlights the importance of prayer, communication, and perseverance in leading your church through change.

In case you missed this week’s posts at, here’s the week in review:

  1. Question: Is Your Church a Worshiping Church?
  2. Question: Is Your Church an Evangelistic Church?
  3. Question: Is Your Church a Disciplemaking Church?
  4. Question: Is Your Church a Ministering Church?
  5. Question: Is Your Church a Praying Church?

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