READING: Numbers 16:1-18:32
In the story of Korah and his followers, some among the people of God rebelled against Moses and Aaron. In fact, the rebels asked Moses and Aaron, “Everyone in the entire community is holy, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?” (Num 17:3). In their minds, Moses and Aaron had gone too far in assuming leadership authority.
Moses, on the other hand, then warned them of coming judgment. It was not Moses and Aaron who had gone too far; it was Korah and his followers. The Lord would show them that “It is you Levites who have gone too far!” (Num 16:7). They were the ones who were guilty of what they accused Moses and Aaron of doing.
Sinful people are like that sometimes. Arrogant people accuse others of being arrogant. Lying people claim everyone else is lying. People in the church who are clamoring for power accuse others of having too much power. Coveting people claim others who have what they want are greedy and worldly. All in all, it’s easy to judge others while ignoring the beam in our own eye (Matt 7:3).
Today’s reading reminds us of the foolishness of this approach. God is not fooled by our sin, even though we might not always grasp its depth. Sometimes, we’re the ones who have gone too far.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Have you ever been the guilty one while you blamed others?
TODAY’S PRAYER: “Lord, let me see my heart like it really is.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Numbers 19:1-21:35