03/08/22 Sacrifices

READING: Numbers 27:1-29:40

Every day. Twice a day, actually. Then, every Sabbath. In addition, at the beginning of each month. Also, during particular festivals in a calendar year. And, annually, on the Day of Atonement. 

Sacrifices. Regular sacrifices built into the lives of the Hebrews. Many of them, in fact. So many of them that you get the sense that sacrifice was a way of life for them (indeed, they sometimes equated the practice of sacrifice alone with pleasing God, without sufficient reference to the condition of their hearts—an understanding God condemned). Nevertheless, the continual work of sacrifice for the people of God called them regularly to repentance and worship, to seeking atonement and choosing faithfulness. As long as sin occurred, sacrifice was necessary—and each one pointed to the coming of the One who would be the ultimate sacrifice. 

Jesus, of course, was the final sacrifice for sin. He alone was the unblemished Lamb of God who “offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time” (Heb 10:12). The “blood of bulls and goats” could not take away sins (Heb 10:4), but the shed blood of Jesus could. 

And, it still does. Amen. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What sacrifices have you made for Christ lately?                  

TODAY’S PRAYER: “Thank You, Lord, for Your sacrificial love for us.”          

TOMORROW’S READING: Numbers 30:1-31:54

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