04/01/22 He is with Us

READING: Judges 3:31-6:40

He said of himself that he came from an Israelite tribe that was the least of the tribes.

He added that he was the least in his family among that least of the tribes.

He feared people enough that he tore down symbols of pagan religions only at night.

He needed repetitive signs to believe God was with him.

In no way did he feel qualified to lead God’s people. . . . and his assumption was correct. He could not do it.

Except that God was with him. Except that the Lord covered him in power. Except that the Lord was calling him. 

  • “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” (Judg 6:12)
  •  “The Lord said to him, ‘I will be with you.’” (Judg 6:16)

The presence of God trumped Gideon’s fears and questions. So it is for us, too. We cannot do what God has called us to do, whatever that might be. Except that God is with us . . . and that’s all that matters.

PERSONAL REFLECTION: How much do you think about the truth that God is with you?  

TODAY’S PRAYER: “Father, thank You for being with me. Help me not to forget that truth.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: Judges 7:1-9:21

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