READING: Ecclesiastes 1:12-6:12
The writer of Ecclesiastes wanted us to know that how we approach God in prayer matters. Even as we approach God, we need to do so in obedience. We are speaking to the God of eternity, so we need to hear these words: “Do not be hasty to speak, and do not be impulsive to make a speech before God” (Ecc 5:2). The writer assumes we will be speaking to God—prayer ought be a part of our lives—but he cautions us to give consideration to our words. Hasty words can be selfish, misfocused, ungodly, and rash. Sometimes we make vows we will not keep. Always we need to test our motivations and our mouths.
Why we must do so, though, is what captures my attention today: “God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few” (Ecc 5:2). Here’s how I summarize this text (and, it’s a reminder I return to often not only when I pray, but just about anytime): “He’s God, and we’re not.” He’s in charge. I’m not. He’s always right. I’m not. He’s perfectly holy. I’m. not. He sets the rules. I don’t. He will be the judge. I won’t be.
We still get the incredible privilege of praying . . . but we need to do so deeply considering who it is we get to speak to.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: How much time do you give to considering who God is when you pray?
DAILY PRAYER: “Father, You are God. I’m not. Remind me of that truth over and over again.
TOMORROW’S READING: Ecclesiastes 7:1-11:6