07/15/22 His Faithful Love

READING: Psalms 136, 146-150

I can just hear the singing in my ears. On one side of the congregation are singers to express God’s power. On the other side are the respondents to praise God for His love. The music begins. The first group sings, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” The response? The remaining folks singing in turn, “His faithful love endures forever.” 

On and on the singing goes, honoring God for being the Creator who made all, the Redeemer who led His people from Egypt, the miracle-worker who divided the Red Sea and drowned the Egyptians, the ruler who reigned over kings, the owner who gave the Promised Land to the Hebrews, the gracious God who rescued His people from their foes. With each succeeding song about the goodness of God, the other singers respond recurrently, “His faithful love endures forever.” In fact, every verse in Psalm 136 includes that refrain.

It strikes me today that we could sing this song throughout eternity and never stop singing. His goodness is beyond our imagination, His blessings beyond our comprehension. That will be even more the case in that day. His faithful love will indeed endure forever—which means we can never stop singing the chorus! 

What can we do today, then? The answer is simple: “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord” (Psa 150:6). Amen. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Have you ever simply read Psalm 136 aloud over and over again?         

DAILY PRAYER: “I praise You, Lord. Hallelujah!”

TOMORROW’S READING: Isaiah 18:1-23:18

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