The Biggest Thing that Helped Me Forgive, + 4 Posts about Forgiveness

Two Sundays ago, my pastor at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church continued his study of the Model Prayer in Matthew 6. His focus was verse 12: “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” I could not help but think about my own battle to forgive my dad for an out-of-control, violent temper that frightened all of us as we grew up. I was a believer, and he was not—until he reached age 71, that is, when he turned to Christ—so it was my responsibility to let my own anger and bitterness go. 

What ultimately made the difference for me was reading Ephesians 6:12 at a time when God was apparently re-molding my heart—“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.” Here, I learned that my dad was not my enemy. Here, I realized there were other forces that sought to keep me bitter and unforgiving. 

While coming to that recognition did not immediately heal the wounds, it was a huge step in the right direction. My dad and our history were no longer the issue; Satan and his forces were—but Jesus had already defeated them at the cross! (Col 2:15). No longer did I have to live in bondage to my hard feelings. 

If you recognize a need to forgive someone today, maybe one of these posts will help you:

7 Things Unforgiving Hearts Cost Us

8 Reasons Bitterness Will Consume You if You Don’t Let It Go

9 Things that Happen when We Forgive Others

10 Steps to Forgive a Church . . . or a Person

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