READING: Ezekiel 10:1-13:23
It is what God does. And, it is what only He can do.
As we see today in God’s Word through Ezekiel, He takes lying hearts and makes them hearts of integrity, undivided and fully committed to Him. He gives people a new spirit, filling them so even their thoughts and motives reflect Him. God takes hearts of stone (that is, hearts that are obstinate, hardened, opposed to Him) and makes them hearts of flesh (hearts that are open, softened, and ready to follow). He so moves in them that they choose to obey His statutes and ordinances.
They can never change themselves internally, but God transforms them fully. They are, in fact, His people—and He is their God.
If you are Christ-follower today, you, too, reflect the transforming power of God. And, you do that not because you are good or worthy, but because God has given you a new heart. He has made all things new. All we can do in response is honor Him through our worship and obedience.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Have you worshiped the Lord yet today?
DAILY PRAYER: “God, my heart is Yours.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Ezekiel 14:1-16:63