This week, I’ve taken a different approach to my Friday blog. Throughout the week, I’ve tried to pay special attention to what the Lord’s teaching me (or reminding me), journal some thoughts, and thank God for His love. This post is the list of things I’ve learned since last Sunday. Maybe you could use this same approach next week as you consider the Lord’s presence in your life.
- SUNDAY: The blessing of preaching the Word is a privilege, indeed. I (and many, if not most of my readers) have the entirety of God’s Word in our language and in our hands. We get to proclaim it without threat on our lives, at least as of today. I must not let my years of preaching lead to taking that gift for granted.
- MONDAY: God is incredibly gracious to me. I’ve been reviewing my testimony with a friend, and honestly, I’d almost forgotten all God has done through the years to draw me to Himself and keep me in His hands. Forgive me, Lord, for forgetting.
- TUESDAY: God puts people in our lives who show us grace. For me this week, it’s been primarily a struggling believer friend who let me just talk to him, share my burdens, and lighten my load a bit. I’m the discipler in this friendship, but God taught me something through my friend this week.
- WEDNESDAY: I need to devote more prayer and energy to reaching junior high and high school students. On this day, I had the privilege of teaching other leaders about the importance of mentoring students—and I believe the Lord reminded me that I could do more, too. More prayer for our church’s student pastor and his ministry is a start.
- THURSDAY: The battle against the enemy is real, and loss hurts. I know this truth; in fact, I’ve written about and taught about spiritual warfare for decades. It’s just more real when you see the scars of a battle lost in the life of a friend. I’m SO grateful today that the Lord has already won the war!
- FRIDAY: Rest is good. I will be leading a pastors and wives conference tonight and tomorrow. Before that conference starts, though, I have opportunity today for rest and renewal. I will still do some work, but I plan to slow down for the day. I need the rest. God knows it. He mercifully and graciously provides it.
- SATURDAY: Should the Lord give me life until tomorrow, only He knows what tomorrow holds. What I do know is that (a) He is sovereign, (b) He loves me, (c) I must deny myself and take up my cross each day, and (d) He is on the throne. Amen.