READING: Zechariah 9:1-14:21
I love dogs, and I have great memories of the dogs our family had as we were growing up: King (a German shepherd) and Prince (I don’t know what he was . . . but he was mine!). Back then, they played all over the neighborhood. We always knew, though, they would come running when one of us called them or whistled for them. It seems they could hear us a mile away, and their glee as they almost galloped toward us never diminished no matter how old they got. Coming home was seemingly a delight for them, and calling them home was an even greater delight for us.
The image is not quite the same as the image of God’s calling His people from exile in today’s reading, but it’s similar enough to catch my attention: “I will whistle and gather them
because I have redeemed them; they will be as numerous as they once were. Though I sow them among the nations, they will remember me in the distant lands; they and their children will live and return” (Zech 10:8-9). In His appointed time, God would call His people back as a shepherd whistles for his sheep—and even they whose sin led them into exile in the first place would hear His voice. He would gather the redeemed, and they would remember Him.
Today, I want to hear God’s voice—and I pray I’ll come running to Him with delight.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Is there anything in your life today that hinders your hearing God’s whistle?
DAILY PRAYER: “Lord, let me hear You clearly today. Thank You for calling us back to You.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Ezra 6:14-22, Ezra 4:6, Esther 1:1-4:17