READING: Matthew 21:28-32, Mark 12:1-12, Matthew 21:33-46, Luke 20:9-19, Matthew 22:15-22, Luke 20:20-26, Mark 12:18-27, Matthew 22:23-33, Luke 20:27-40
The Sadducees tried to catch Jesus in a trap with their hypothetical question about the deaths of multiple brothers and the wife they successively married. Not only did the Sadducees themselves not believe in the resurrection, but they surely thought they could outwit Jesus with their question. They were wrong.
Indeed, Jesus said to them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God” (Matt 22:29). They were wrong in their beliefs about the resurrection—they failed to see God as the God of the living—and they did not know the power of God in creating a new, better life in heaven that does not necessitate marriage. Needless to say, Jesus’ response quieted their questions for a while.
Here’s my question today, though: might it ever be that we don’t know the Scriptures well, and we also fail to comprehend the power of God to do all things? I ask that question of myself, and I, too, can only be introspectively quiet today.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you know the Scriptures and the power of God?
DAILY PRAYER: “Father, You are the all-powerful God of the living. Amen.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Mark 12:28-34, Matthew 22:34-40, Mark 12:35-37, Matthew 22:41-46, Luke 20:41-44, Mark 12:38-40, Matthew 23:1-12, Luke 20:45-47, Matthew 23:13-39, Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4