11/09/22 The Face of an Angel

READING: Acts 6:1-8:1

The biblical text says that his opponents perceived Stephen as having “the face of an angel” (Acts 6:15). As he worked many miracles and spoke under the power of the Spirit of God, they saw something unique in him. They stood against his teaching, but they could not deny his power. Nor could they apparently deny his peace—a peace that passed all understanding even in the face of opposition—and perhaps a peace that caught the attention of Saul. Stephen was clearly God’s messenger. 

That role, though, did not preclude his facing real persecution that would cost him his life. Even as he lived with the face of an angel, though, he died with confidence; the Spirit who empowered him in the work of ministry also comforted him in the sleep of death. In the words of one of my former professors, “No one ever died with greater assurance than Stephen. He fell asleep with the vision of his risen Lord at God’s right hand still fresh on his mind.”*

What a way to live . . . and what a way to die! 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Would others say that the presence of God is evident in your life?  

DAILY PRAYER: “God, give me peace today no matter what I face.” 


* J. B. Polhill (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 210). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

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