10 Ways I Need to Listen Better (and Talk Less)

I recently read a Time magazine cover article about talking less (and, thus, listening more). Given that my whole world of teaching and preaching is about talking, I probably need to post on my computer screen what the article’s author posted on his in large font: “QUIET! LISTEN!”

I admit, though, that I’m not a very good listener. I tend to have multiple things on my mind, and they hinder my ability to hear well. I need to listen better—and that probably means talking less. Maybe you need to listen like I do:

  1. I need to listen better to the Word of God. I’m faithful in reading the Word daily, but that doesn’t mean that I always apply it consistently. Sometimes I listen only while I’m reading.
  2. I need to listen better to the Spirit of God. The Spirit never contradicts the written Word, but I need to be more sensitive to the Spirit’s leading throughout the day. I get so busy that I don’t always listen closely.
  3. I need to listen better to wiser men in my life. What that means is that I must always seek their advice. I tend to act first and then seek advice only after I mess up.
  4. I need to listen better to my spouse. When I’ve ignored her input in the past, I’ve made some big ministry mistakes. And, I just need to genuinely hear her when we’re talking.
  5. I need to listen better to my colleagues. I’m learning every day about the value of a plurality of voices. All of us are stronger when we get more input.
  6. I need to listen better to my church members. How can I truly help shepherd them if I don’t know what they’re facing? I need the reminder that shaking hands on a Sunday morning does not equal listening. 
  7. I need to listen better to the news. Only when I know what’s happening around the world can I best intercede for leaders, missionaries, and the nations. 
  8. I need to listen better to non-believers. If I want to reach them, I need to hear them. That means I must actually have friendships with them.
  9. I need to listen better to my own head and heart. It’s amazing, actually, how often I wrestle internally with myself. Sometimes my head knows what’s right, but I still move in the wrong direction. 
  10. I need to listen better to my own history. You’d think I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice, but . . . .  

God, give me ears to hear. Let me be a listening leader. 

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