04/19/22 Still Another

READING: 2 Samuel 19-21

It was only a practical reality in today’s text, but it is a spiritual reality in our lives. Note the repetition in these texts:

  • “The Philistines again waged war against Israel.” (2 Sam 21:15)
  • “After this, there was another battle with the Philistines at Gob.” (2 Sam 21:18)
  • “Once again there was a battle with the Philistines at Gob.” (2 Sam 21:19)
  • “At Gath there was still another battle.” (2 Sam 21:20)

“Again . . . another . . . once again . . .  still another” – the battles were ongoing, and the conflict surely seemed at times to have no end. While these texts simply tell historical realities, I am reminded of this spiritual truth: the battles we face against our supernatural enemy Satan are continual. Yesterday’s victory is no guarantee of no battle today, and today’s peace is no promise of no conflict tomorrow. We will face still another battle – but we know the One who has already won the war! 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What ongoing battles do you face?  

DAILY PRAYER: “Teach me, Lord, to keep trusting You when the battles seem unending.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: 2 Samuel 22-24

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