READING: Ecclesiastes 1-6
I am by nature an introvert and a loner. I like to do work by myself, and I like my personal space. I’ve learned through the years, though, that there is great value in having others walk with me. I still struggle at times in leaning on others, but the writer of Ecclesiastes reminds me in today’s reading (Ecc 4:9-12) that I must keep working at it.
After all, two people working together can accomplish more than one. If one falls, the other can help pick him up. Two can likewise provide emotional support for each other in a harsh world, not unlike two traveling companions sleeping close to one another for warmth in the cold night. And, together they can protect each other if attacked by an assailant; in fact, having a third friend in the mix is even better than two. The more solid relationships we have in our lives, the better.
In the end, striving to live well on our own makes little sense. We walk more effectively with God when we walk together with others.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: How much do you lean on others in your walk with the Lord?
DAILY PRAYER: “God, remind me daily how much I need others.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Ecclesiastes 7-12, Song of Solomon 1