07/24/23 Heaven and Earth

READING: Song of Solomon 2-8, Isaiah 1    

As God prepared to indict His people for their ingratitude and stubborn rebellion, He (through the prophet Isaiah) called on heaven and earth to be witnesses of His judgment on the people (Isa 1:2). While “heaven and earth” simply represent all of creation, I am struck by these thoughts today:

  • The One who would judge His people is the One who created heaven and earth; He who spoke creation into existence had a right to hold His people accountable. 
  • Only God can rightly call on all of creation to hear Him. Only He can speak in such a way that nature hears. 
  • Heaven and earth respond appropriately to God, but His people did not. The ox and the donkey know their masters and obey, but God’s people didn’t even have enough sense to do the same. 

Should the Creator God call me to do something today, I pray I’ll be faithful to follow Him fully. He is worthy of our obedience. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Is there any area of your life where you’re not faithfully following God today?           

DAILY PRAYER: “God, I want to know You closely today.”  


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