08/14/23 Boasting

READING: Jeremiah 9-12 

It all seems so contradictory to the way the world thinks. The wise man was not to boast in his wisdom. The strong man was not to boast in his strength. The rich man was not to boast in his wealth. 

Hear it again, especially because it’s seemingly so different:

Have wisdom? Don’t boast about it. 

Have strength? Don’t brag about it. 

Have money? Don’t be a braggart about it.

Instead, boast only about knowing the Lord if you’re going to boast at all. He is loving, compassionate, giving—and alone worthy of our praise today and throughout this week. 

PRAYER: “God, I praise You for who You are.”   

TOMORROW’S READING: Jeremiah 13-16

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