READING: Jeremiah 51-52
These chapters complete the book of Jeremiah with God’s impending judgment on Babylon and His commitment to return His people to their land. In the midst of these chapters is this reminder of the power of God, especially when compared to idols.
The true God made all of creation. He moves the thunder, the rain, the clouds, the lightning, and the wind. He is mighty — almighty, actually. He speaks, and the world responds. He’s that powerful.
Meanwhile, idolaters follow gods they themselves created. Their idols cannot speak, and they have no life in them. They are but a lie that will be destroyed. They are created things; but God almighty is the Creator. That fundamental difference is huge.
I am forced here to address the things that are sometimes idols in my life: recognition, reward, applause, etc. All of these are but fleeting things that do not matter. When I pursue them rather than pursing God, I fit well the description Jeremiah uses for idolaters: “Everyone is stupid and ignorant.”
PERSONAL REFLECTION: How much attention do you give to idols in your life?
PRAYER: “Lord, guard me from my own stupidity.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Lamentations 1-3