09/29/23 Personal Reflections

READING: Obadiah, Jonah 1-4, Micah 1-2

Today’s devotion is actually a series of questions for self-reflection based on the book of Jonah. Below are the questions I ask myself today. I pray they will be helpful for you, too.

  1. Am I running from anything God wants me to do? Jonah had no question what God wanted, but he still ran as far as he could run — even so far he thought he could outrun God.  
  2. Can I sleep in disobedience? It is both amazing and alarming that Jonah could be fully out of the Lord’s will, nevertheless sleep well, and still claim to fear God (Jon 1:5). 
  3. Do I recognize the miracle of prayer? From the belly of the fish, Jonah prayed — and he recognized that God was so much different than the pagan idols. His God actually heard his prayers. 
  4. Am I amazed by God’s grace? God used an imperfect fleeing prophet to preach a message that led a vicious pagan society to turn to Him. Do I believe such responses to the Word still happen? 
  5. Is there anyone I do not want God to forgive? Jonah’s largest concern was that God would be Himself: He would be compassionate toward Jonah’s enemy, the Ninevites.  
  6. Do I pay more attention to stuff than to people? Jonah was more concerned about a plant than people. My objects of attention may not be plants, but I know I sometimes worry more about “things” than people. 
  7. If my story were to end today, how would it end? Jonah’s story ends with the prophet still displeased, with no indication that he responded positively to God’s rebuke. I want to put my head on my pillow tonight knowing that my walk with God is marked by purity, consistency, and a burden for the lost. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: How do you answer these questions?          

PRAYER: “God, help me to be honest with my responses.” 

MONDAY’S READING: Micah 3-7, Nahum 1-2

*first published in 2015

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