09/30/23 Saturday Prayer Challenge

I’m thinking today about Stephen and Alex Kendrick’s words in the book, The Battle Plan for Prayer.* Maybe these words will encourage you today, no matter what you’re facing:

Paul said making our requests known to God “by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving” (Phil. 4:6) results in an incredible exchange of energy. Instead of staying burdened and overwhelmed by the fear and worry of it all, we’re given instead “the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension” (v. 7). This kind of impenetrable peace operates like an armed guard around our hearts and minds—a peace officer, you might call it—preventing our torqued emotions from making us do things out of fear or desperation. Prayer enables us to rest and trust. . . . .

Prayer means hope. Prayer means help. Prayer means relief. Prayer means power.

And a lot of it.


Stephen and Alex Kendrick, The Battle Plan for Prayer (p. 21). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Kendrick, Stephen; Kendrick, Alex. The Battle Plan for Prayer (p. 20). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Kendrick, Stephen; Kendrick, Alex. The Battle Plan for Prayer (p. 20). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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