10/26/23 Prayer and John the Baptist

READING: Luke 1-3

If I were to quiz folks about the birth of John the Baptist, I suspect many believers would remember he was the forerunner of Jesus. Others would recall that his parents were beyond child-bearing age. Some might remember that an angel announced to Zechariah the coming birth of his son. Maybe they’ll recall that Zechariah wrestled with believing the words. 

What I suspect many will not remember is that the angel told Zechariah they would have a baby “because your prayer has been heard” (Luke 1:13). In this third Gospel so filled with the prayer life and prayer teachings of Jesus, we learn that it was also prayer that led to the coming of the forerunner. We don’t know how long Zechariah and Elizabeth had been praying for a child, but surely that prayer reflected a deep and ongoing burden for them. Now, God was about to answer—even despite Zechariah’s questioning. 

My point is this: it’s easy to remember the miraculous surrounding the birth of John the Baptist while forgetting prayer was the means through which God worked. Prayer really does matter. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: For what mighty intervention of God are you praying today? 

PRAYER: “God, thank You for hearing our prayers.” 


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