01/30/24 Eternal Life?


One-year plan: Exodus 12:43-15:27, Matthew 19:13-20:16

Two-year plan: Genesis 31:36-32:32, Matthew 11:1-24


“He went away grieving, because he had many possessions” (Matt 19:22).

The scene is really quite sad. The young man wanted to know what he had to do to gain eternal life, but Jesus’ demands were too much for him. In essence, Jesus called the man to give up the source of his identity and security—his wealth—and instead trust God with his life. That cost, however, was too much. Too challenging. Too frightening. The man wanted the assurance of eternal life, but not at that cost. His grief was apparently the recognition that the temporary had not brought him peace about eternal life, yet giving them up to find eternal life was just too much. 

The man walked away, but with no assurance of the eternal life he had sought. He instead clung to the Idolatry of monetary goods, even though they could bring him no answers. Perhaps he grieved because he already knew they could bring no peace, yet he could not break his bondage to them.

I wonder how many people I pass each day who want assurance of eternal life, but not at the expense of giving up self to find it. They want the blessings, but without the commitment. They want eternal life, but not if getting it demands sacrificial change. They want it all, but without expectations in turn. Their chase is futile, however—and it will eventually bring only grief. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: On what basis/foundation do you find your basic value? 

PRAYER: “Father, grant me grace to give up anything You call me to give up, simply because You are better.”  


One-year plan: Exodus 16-18, Matthew 20:17-21:11    

Two-year plan: Genesis 31:33-34, Matthew 11:25-28     

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