04/17/24 Don’t Worry


One-year plan: Judges 12-15, Luke 12:22-48

Two-year plan: Leviticus 23-24, Mark 3:13-30


I’m a worrier. I don’t always let things bother me, but when I do . . . I tend to let those “things” (whatever they are) consume me. If I have a concern at work, I don’t know how to leave it at the office. If someone’s upset with me, I’m restless until we at least attempt reconciliation. I sometimes get far too stressed over financial issues and ministry burdens. I don’t like these facts about myself, but I can lie awake at night for hours if something’s really eating at me.

Whenever I read the words of Luke 12:25, though, I am reminded that worry doesn’t reap many benefits: “Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?” (Luke 12:25). The answer, of course, is “no.” Worry accomplishes nothing, but I still let it win some days.

Why do I let that happen? Because on those days, my faith is often struggling. What I need to do is simply remember how faithful God has been to me over the last 50 years. He who takes care of the ravens and the wildflowers will take care of me. 

I just need to keep my eyes on Him and seek His kingdom. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you worrying about something today?    

PRAYER: “God, grow my faith. ”


One-year plan: Judges 16-19, Luke 12:49-13:17

Two-year plan: Leviticus 25, Mark 3:31-4:9

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