05/03/24 To Hear Him


One-year plan: 1 Samuel 27-31, Luke 21:20-22:6

Two-year plan: Numbers 8:5-9:23, Mark 7:31-8:10


Today’s New Testament reading shows us that Jesus taught in the Temple throughout the day during the final week of His life, retired to the Mount of Olives in the evening, and then found a listening crowd the next morning. In fact, the text says, “Then all the people would come early in the morning to hear him in the temple” (Luke 21:38). Apparently, the people wanted to hear Him, for they prioritized getting there in the morning. So many people were there that the religious leaders were afraid then to put Jesus to death (Luke 22:2). 

Maybe Jesus was most accessible then, or perhaps the people wanted to be the first in line to hear from Him. Here’s my question for myself today: do I so want to hear from Jesus that I prioritize my time with Him? Or, do I just “fit Him in” when it works best in the midst of my busyness? I pray it’s the former; I really want to hear from the One who teaches like no other. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: How about you—do you want to be hear from Jesus?         

PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, I truly do want to learn from You.”


One-year plan: 2 Samuel 1-3, Luke 22:7-38

Two-year plan: Numbers 10, Mark 8:11-21

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