05/30/24 To be a Godly Man


One-year plan: 2 Kings 3-5, John 8:48-9:12

Two-year plan: Numbers 33:50-34:39, Mark 14:32-52


I spent some time today reviewing previous devotions I’ve written on 2 Kings 4, and I’m struck by how many times I’ve paused in the past at the words of the Shunammite woman about Elisha: “I know that the one who often passes by here is a holy man of God” (2 Kgs 4:9). Today, I’ve been reminded, too, that Jehoshaphat had also said of Elisha, “The word of the Lord is with him” (2 Kgs 3:12). That’s quite a picture of the prophet. 

To be a man whose life exudes holiness and whose ministry clearly shows that he speaks the Word of the Lord – how that ought to be the goal of all of us who minister to others! I have been blessed to know a few men along the way whose lives fit this picture . . . whose holiness is humbling and whose teaching is potent. Their prayer life is powerful. Their godliness is obvious. Their knowledge of the Word is evident in their speech. Their servant spirit is convicting. Their heart is pure. 

Perhaps I’ve written other devotions about this passage because I long to be that kind of man but recognize I still have room to grow. Please pray for me.

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Where do you want to grow in your walk with the Lord?               

PRAYER: “Lord, make me a man who walks with You and teaches Your Word.”


One-year plan: 2 Kings 6-8, John 9:13-41

Two-year plan: Numbers 35-36, Mark 14:53-65

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