10 Ways to Know We’re Leaning toward the Son

I’ve been working in our yard for years, and here’s what’s been apparent year after year: plants grow toward the sun. In fact, they often lean in that direction (as the picture of one of our plants shows above). At the risk of being too metaphorical, here are some ways we know we’re leaning toward the “Son”: 

  1. We find purpose in life. We find it much better to press forward in faith with the Savior than to wander in life with no purpose. 
  2. We look forward to reading His Word. Bible study is no longer a chore; it’s a privilege. We get to read the Scriptures.
  3. We fight temptation more effectively. That’s because the lure of sin loses its strength when we lean into Christ. 
  4. Our burdens are lighter. They’re still real, and they can be painful—but their weightiness changes when we look to Christ. 
  5. We walk with more “spring in our step.” Real joy does that, you know. And, real joy comes from following the Son. 
  6. We talk more about Him. Not unlike many people in the Gospels, we spread the good news almost as if we can’t help it; the story just drips from our lips. 
  7. We pray more. That happens because prayer becomes more about relationship than about ritual. 
  8. We sleep better. When we lean toward the Son, rest in Him is sweet, indeed. 
  9. We keep our eyes on Him. The Son gives us life, and He ever makes intercession for us now.  We lean toward Him, watch, and wait—and always find Him faithful. 
  10.  Others—usually beginning with those who live with us—take note that “something’s different.” When we lean toward the Son, our spirit is humble, our heart is at peace, our joy is more lasting. Others see a different us. 

I can’t help but think today of these lyrics to “Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus”—words that echo the point of this post:  

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.*

Amen. Amen. 



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