06/13/24 Singing


One-year plan: 1 Chronicles 6-7, John 15:26-16:33

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 11:26-12:32, Luke 1:39-56


One of my hopes for heaven is that I will get to sing forever. I love to sing (though I do it only when no one can hear me . . . never publicly), and I particularly love to sing God’s praises. As a young 13-year-old believer, I first heard “gospel music” through a singing evangelist. Now almost fifty years later, I still remember putting the vinyl record on my record player and listening to hymns like, “In the Garden,” “The Lighthouse,” and “Sheltered in the Arms of God.” I later got deeply interested in quartet music with the Kingsmen, the Cathedral Quartet, the Inspirations, the Florida Boys, and others. Today, I love all types of praise music – and I’ve been known to erupt in song any time I’m alone. 

That’s why I caught the point in today’s reading that David appointed musicians: “These are the men David put in charge of the music in the Lord’s temple after the ark came to rest there” (1 Chron 6:31). Clearly, David understood that singing is an important element of worshiping God. It turns our attention to God and allows us to focus all our energy on praising Him even as we sing words that honor Him. In some ways, singing is a melodic method of talking to God—and it’s sweet to do so. It’s no wonder the enemy tries to rob us of song. 

Are you singing today? 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What is your answer to the above question? Are you singing today, or has something robbed you of song?    

PRAYER: “God, let me sing today.”


One-year plan: 1 Chronicles 8-9, John 17

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 13-14, Luke 1:57-66

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