06/25/24 Daily


One-year plan: 2 Chronicles 1-5, Acts 2:14-47

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 27:1-28:14, Luke 4:1-13


It’s almost an amazing statement: “Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). This simple statement reminds us of several things. First, the Lord used the early believers to share the gospel beyond Pentecost. That day had been magnificent, but God also added to the church each day beyond then—though opposition to the early believers would quickly develop. Second, God’s sovereignty is evident throughout the account. He alone changes hearts and transforms lives. He alone transfers folks from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His beloved Son (Col 1:13). Third, it is the Lord who deserves praise for the growth of that early church. He alone saves people–and He apparently did that daily for the early church.

Daily . . . that means that God was moving regularly in the hearts of people to redeem them. 

Daily . . . that means the people could regularly rejoice over the salvation of others. 

Daily . . . that suggests the believers expected God to add regularly to their number. 

Daily . . . that’s so different from churches today that are often surprised when the Lord saves someone through the ministry of their church. 

How wonderful it would be if God added to our churches daily, too; how great it would be if churches so regularly saw conversions that they would weep anytime the transformation of lost souls did not happen! Most of our churches have a long way to go. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: How often do you see non-believers saved through your church? 

DAILY PRAYER: “God, work through us to add to Your church regularly. Awaken our heart for evangelism.”  


One-year plan: 2 Chronicles 6-8, Acts 3

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 28:15-68, Luke 4:14-30

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