07/02/24 To No One’s Sorrow


One-year plan: 2 Chronicles 21-24, Acts 7:9-36

Two-year plan: Deuteronomy 33-34, Luke 5:27-39


Jehoram reigned for only eight years in Jerusalem. He led the people astray, however, and he suffered much illness because of his rebellion against God. When he died, the people did not honor him with a traditional burial fire, did not bury him in the tombs of the kings, and – and this is the phrase that most catches my attention today – did not regret his passing. Indeed, various translations of 2 Chronicles 21:20 speak of this tragedy:

  • “He died to no one’s regret” (CSB)
  • “He reigned in Jerusalem eight years and, to no one’s sorrow, departed.” (NKJV)
  • “No one was sorry when he died.” (NLT)

While The Message is at best a paraphrase of the Scriptures, its wording of this verse does seem to catch the spirit of the people: “There were no tears shed when he died—it was good riddance!”

What a sad way to live, and what an even sadder way to die. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What will you do today to turn others not away from God, but to Him?  

DAILY PRAYER: “God, use me as Your witness today. Help me to live in a way that others see You in me.”  


One-year plan: 2 Chronicles 25-28, Acts 7:37-60

Two-year plan: Joshua 1-2, Luke 6:1-16

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