07/03/24 Foolishness


One-year plan: 2 Chronicles 25-28, Acts 7:37-60

Two-year plan: Joshua 1-2, Luke 6:1-16


It’s one of those stories in the Bible you read and can only nod your head in agreement. Here’s the context: King Amaziah had defeated the Edomites, and he took the gods of the Seirites—a common and clear indication that the people had been defeated. For some reason, though, Amaziah decided to worship the false gods. 

God was so displeased with this action that He sent a prophet to tell Amaziah what he would face. The prophet, in fact, asked a question that all of us need to remember: “Why have you sought a people’s gods that could not rescue their own people from you?” (2 Chron 25:15). 

This is the point in the story where I can only nod in agreement. It makes no sense to follow gods who could not protect their own people—yet that’s what Amaziah did. That’s also what you and I do far too often. As foolish as it sounds, we sometimes cling to false gods we know cannot help us. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you clinging to any false god in your life?  

DAILY PRAYER: “God, show me my idols today, and help me to turn from them and run to You.”


One-year plan: 2 Chronicles 29-31, Acts 8

Two-year plan: Joshua 3-4, Luke 6:17-36

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