07/11/24 Trusting Either Way


One-year plan: Ezra 9-10, Nehemiah 1-2, Acts 12

Two-year plan: Joshua 11-12, Luke 8:1-8


Sometimes it’s hard to understand the way God works, but we know He is in control. In Acts 12, we read the tragedy of James’ martyrdom AND the miraculous release of Simon Peter. Both were in jail, and both had the same angry king on their tail. God intervened in a mighty way with Peter, sending an angel to wake him up, remind him to get dressed, lead him past the guard posts, and ultimately direct him into the city via supernaturally-opened gates. The whole event was so unusual that even Peter “thought he was seeing a vision” (Acts 12:9).

James, the brother of John, received no such intervention, however. All we know is that Herod killed him “with the sword” (Acts 12:2). One church leader was delivered according to the plan of God, but another was martyred – also according to the plan of God. In the book of Hebrews, the same realities are apparent in the hall of faith in chapter 11: some believers by faith conquered kingdoms, but others by faith were sawed in two (Heb 11:33, 37). 

It’s not our choice which lot we get, but all of us are to trust God.  

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you think you would trust God either way?      

DAILY PRAYER: “God, grant me faith to live or die according to Your will.”


One-year plan: Nehemiah 3-6, Acts 13:1-41

Two-year plan: Joshua 13, Luke 8:9-21

*portions first published in 2018

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