07/12/24 Pray and Prepare


One-year plan: Nehemiah 3-6, Acts 13:1-41

Two-year plan: Joshua 13, Luke 8:9-21


The enemies of the people of God were frustrated when the people had been working so faithfully on completing the wall. Sanballat, Tobiah, and others became furious, in fact – so much so that they plotted to attack Jerusalem and throw it into chaos. Here then is what the people of God did: on one hand, they prayed; on the other hand, they prepared for attack by stationing a guard to protect them day and night. In prayer they sought God, and in preparation they plugged in their brains, determined the wisest next step, and stationed the guard.

These leaders of Nehemiah’s day remind us in our day that prayer is non-negotiable, but so are our efforts of preparation for the battle. As one writer put it, “The partnership of heaven and earth, of trust and good management, is taken for granted as something normal and harmonious.”* 

Pray, and prepare.

Seek God, and station guards. 

Lean on Him, and lean on each other. That combination pushes us to finish the work God has for us.  

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you generally pray and prepare?      

DAILY PRAYER: “God, give me wisdom in finding the right balance in my life.”


One-year plan: Nehemiah 7-8, Acts 13:42-14:7

Two-year plan: Joshua 14:1-15:19, Luke 8:22-39

 * D. Kidner, (1979). Ezra and Nehemiah: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 12, p. 100). InterVarsity Press.

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